vii.2009 (cwc) sędzia: mirosław redlicki psy. klasa szczeniąt: lord of the ring buntaro lorien buntaro. suki. klasa pośrednia: brittany gogolińska karolina klasa otwarta: finigan ati-kod kangitoka klasa championów: hara bskierdy/b pzdr.
July 21, 2009 11:45 p.m. bskierd/b Dork. Driving events: Pikes Peak, Baja 1000, Paris-Dakar, Bonneville, Nurburgring, and as a far far far stretch... I'd love to be able to turn at lap at speed at Monte Carlo. I don't care in what, so long as it has a b..../b I would have to second that, We ran into him and some of his crew in a bhotel/b bar near E-town. He was one of the most entertaining people I've ever met. He could talk for hours about anything and you'd sit and listen to it. ...